DiSC Authorized Partner

Everything DiSC®

Everything DiSC® is a tool that offers a variety of development programs focused on personal growth, assessing an individual's preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model.

The goal of DiSC® is to enhance communication and collaboration by providing insight into individual behavior patterns. The model helps you understand your own and others' work styles, strengthening relationships and increasing workplace efficiency.

Increased self-awareness

Use DiSC® to gain insights into employee behavior and your preferences. Achieve a better understanding of how you react in certain situations, what motivates you, and what causes stress. This knowledge can help you make more conscious decisions and improve both personal and professional behavior.

Improved Communication

DiSC® is an effective tool for those looking to enhance communication and collaboration in the workplace. The tool identifies different communication styles based on individual preferences, allowing employees to adapt their communication to make it more efficient and reduce misunderstandings.

By implementing DiSC®, you can foster clearer and more productive conversations both within teams and with clients or partners.

Additionally, improved communication can contribute to a more positive work environment, often leading to increased motivation, well-being, and engagement among employees.

Strengthened Collaboration

When team members understand each other's DiSC® profiles, they can more easily adapt their work methods and communication strategies to one another. This creates a more harmonious workplace, where differences are seen as strengths, and collaboration becomes more effective and seamless.

Mutual respect among employees increases when they understand each other's different communication styles. It becomes easier for them to collaborate effectively when each individual can navigate and adapt to their colleagues' communication preferences.

Effective Leadership

Leaders who are familiar with their employees' DiSC® profiles can adapt their leadership style to better meet individual needs and preferences. This can boost employee motivation and engagement, as they feel their unique strengths and needs are recognized and valued.

The DiSC® model also provides leaders with a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of conflicts that may arise from different communication and work styles. This insight makes it easier to manage and resolve conflicts constructively, contributing to a more harmonious work environment.


Everything DiSC® is a tool built on more than 40 years of research. The model of four behavioral styles is based on William Moulton Marston's 1928 book Emotions of Normal People. In it, he first described what he called the four "primary emotions." He believed that our behavior could be categorized along two axes, where attention could be either passive or active depending on whether one perceives the environment as friendly or antagonistic.

These factors form the basis of the DiSC® model and the four styles we know today as Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).

Free and unlimited support and guidance

Based on William Moulton Marston's theory of the four behavioral styles

Adaptive questionnaire using a Likert scale

The questionnaire takes approximately 20 minutes to complete

The questionnaire is available in 18 languages

Get Started with Everything DiSC®

To start using the tool within your own organization, all you need is certification.

Additionally, there is a fee for each test completed. Pricing depends on usage. Contact us at cwg@cfl.dk to learn more.

You do not need certification to use Everything DiSC® within your own organization.

Our experienced consultants are happy to assist with testing and feedback on specific tasks. Read more here.

There are profiles available for both the respondent and the facilitator. Here is an example of a report for the respondent:

You can view a sample report for Everything DiSC® here.

Schedule a Demo

Experience Everything DiSC® with a personalized demo of the tool. Fill out the form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Utilize us for a specific task

If you have a specific task at hand, we're here to help you reach your goal. Send us your details, and you'll hear from us soon.

Learn to Work with DiSC®

Join the DiSC® facilitation course and get hands-on experience with the tool.

Contact us at cwg@cfl.dk to learn more.

DiSC® Authorized Partner

We are proud to be authorized DiSC® partners.

In 2013, the American organization Carhartt implemented Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® after evaluating several leadership models. Here is a summary of their experiences with the tool:

“The programme helps emerging leaders understand their strengths and opportunities early in their career. They begin to see the differences in personality styles as well as increase self-awareness, gaining insights needed to lead larger groups effectively. Vision, Alignment, and Execution are the output but the people interaction is the input that is so valuable,”

Paul Hundhammer, Senior Vice President for Sales, Carhartt

Got any questions?


Cristian Willum Gade
Senior Relations Manager

+45 5154 4104

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