Data and analysis
We can help gather and analyse data for your strategy.
From objectives through analysis to execution.
Stay ahead in a volatile world
‘Strategy’ has many definitions, but basically, a strategy is a long-term plan that sets the direction and goals for your organisation. A strategy defines your long-range objective, and frames executive, boardroom, and staff activities.
In an increasingly complex and volatile world, companies have to constantly realign their strategies to stay ahead of the competition. This can be difficult, as many organisations are stuck in ‘planning mode’ and failing to progress to execution. That said, it is important to bear in mind that strategy is not about crafting the perfect plan, but making the decisions that generate value for your undertaking.
A good strategy is simple, even if the various phases of realising it prove complicated, and it is important not to confuse strategic plans with action plans.
We can assist you with strategic consulting from objectives through analysis to execution.
Craft and realise your strategy
We have comprehensive expertise in strategy development and execution, and in designing tailored leadership development programmes. You will discover that we are receptive to your needs, but also take the initiative to explore your other success factors.
Our objective is to partner with you in targeting all efforts at the actions that drive successful outcomes and leadership excellence in your organisation.
We can help gather and analyse data for your strategy.
We can help design your strategy based on data and analysis.
We can help get your strategy executed so you achieve your objectives.
We are experts in the change processes that strategy execution entail.
5 core questions to guide strategy design
We work according to the principle that strategy should not be overly complicated and exhaustive, but equally that it does not end up as a slew of CEO buzzwords and peptalks.
Basically, an executable strategy should be able to answer to the following:
Strategy and action in a single flow
Your strategy should ensure that everyone is pulling in the same general direction, while your human resources are empowered by flexibility, expertise, and autonomy for actionable and adaptable responses to a volatile world.
With us on your team, you will benefit from a process where we help you develop:
Your objective
We start by helping your organisation define a strategy objective. Why this particular strategy? What do you intend to achieve by it?
Process design
Having agreed on the objective, you will be devising a process for the next phase and deciding if you will be pursuing a top-down or bottom-up strategy.
Analysis phase
Analysis can be done to death, so rather than going overboard, focus on identifying your cost and revenue criteria.
Decision-making phase
Based on thorough analysis and assumptions about what is likely to happen, we define your final strategy. This is where you have key decisions to make.
Execution phase
Once the decision has been made, you can start executing your strategy. Some of it may be achieved in next to no time, some will take longer, but from then on, you can start taking stock of your progress.
“With CfL’s help, we gained clarity about where we wanted to be. Having an objective partner really guided the discussion about opt-outs, which are always harder than decisions on what to include and retain. We had those discussions with CfL as ‘devil’s advocate’ challenging our opinions.”
“I benefited before from working with one of CfL’s key employees. CfL also presented a convincing concept, which is basically what we have followed ever since,”
Henrik Hvolbøll Eriksen
Senior Relations Manager
P: +45 2565 9000
Henrik Graungaard
Strategic Leadership Consultant
T: +45 5154 4126