Clubhouse Meeting

How to lead without formal authority


Medlemspris kr. Gratis / Andre kr. Eksklusivt for medlemmer

Tjek om din virksomhed er medlem
Vælg start dato

17. juni 2025 - 17. juni 2025

Lokation: CfL eller online

Lokation CfL eller online

Gratis. Eksklusivt for medlemmer af CfL

17. juni kl. 9:00 – 12:00

CfL, Folke Bernadottes Allé 45, 2100 København Ø

Ved tilmelding kan du vælge mellem at deltage i CfL-Klubhusmødet fysisk i Toldboden i København eller online via zoom. 

Tjek om din virksomhed er medlem

More and more employees are being appointed as managers, but without the formal managerial stars on their shoulders. What kind of role do they take on and how do they create value for the workplace? What are the personal, but also to a large extent organizational, challenges that informal leaders face?

The host of the day is Richard Asklund, Executive Relation Manager at CfL.

Kommende arrangementer


How to navigate the new realities: is your organization on track?

The world is becoming more and more uncertain, so there is every reason to refocus on how we handle the immediate threats as well as the opportunities we face. Welcome to executive summit.

DKK Exclusive to Members/Personal invitation /

8. maj 2025

1 dage

CfL i København


Hvordan bedriver vi regenerativ ledelse i praksis?

Regenerativ ledelse udfordrer den traditionelle forståelse af, hvad en organisation skal levere, og hvad det vil sige at skabe værdi. Deltag på klubhusmødet og bliv inspireret af de regenerative principper og metoder.

DKK Gratis / Eksklusivt for medlemmer

16. maj 2025

1 dage


Har du spørgsmål?


Lene Buddike

T: +45 5154 4139

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